Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Pick-Me-Up for Teachers from Matt Damon

Matt Damon was one of the speakers at the Save Our Schools march on the Ellipse near the White House on July 30.  If your morale needs a boost, read his speech, then give yourself a pat on the back!

Back to School Goodies

Teachers Pay Teachers is having a site-wide sale for back to school from August 1 through August 6.  Everything is discounted 10%. Use this promo code: B1T1S.
I am having a sale as well!  All of my teaching materials on Teachers Pay Teachers are 15% off from August 1st through the 5th.  So, you can save a total of 25% at my TPT store!!

Also, watch for the launch of the new Teachers Pay Teachers site.  It is fantastic--very attractive and use-friendly!

One of my fellow bloggers is having a back-to-school blog party with lots of giveaways.  Check in each day for the next week at this site:

Best wishes for a great back to school and a fantastic year!